Larner McGrath Planning was started by Lesley McGrath and Joe Larner in 2024.

Together, Lesley and Joe have over 30 years’ experience in the planning and development industry. Both Lesley and Joe enjoy working as town planners and aim to provide a high standard of service.

Profile picture of Lesley McGrath, Director of LarnerMcGrath

Lesley McGrath MRTPI


Lesley began her professional career as general practice surveyor before becoming a town planner. This has provided her with a broad knowledge of property, planning and development.

She has a track record of securing permission for major developments, managing complex planning permissions, providing advice on permitted development rights, securing listed building consents and managing pre-application consultation engagement. Lesley has strong expertise in port and harbour operations.

Lesley has a degree in Land Economics and a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning. Since becoming a town planner she has worked at Turleys and Holder Planning in Edinburgh.

Profile picture of Joe Larner, Director of LarnerMcGrath

Joe Larner MRTPI


Joe’s experience extends across a broad range of sectors in Scotland and England. He is an advisor to Homes for Scotland and is a member of their National Planning Committee.

He has a track record of obtaining successful outcomes for planning applications, appeals and site promotion as well as being regularly instructed to provide expert evidence on housing need and demand and land supply.

Joe graduated from the University of Edinburgh before completing a Planning and Real Estate Masters at Glasgow. Prior to co-founding Larner McGrath he worked at Lichfields in London, Homes for Scotland and Holder Planning.